Happy and Hygge

February 8, 2022
Hygge scene

As a self-employed creative, I often feel guilty for taking time for myself and not working. That changed this weekend: “hygge” ruled.

It was proper winter weather: gales and horizontal Cornish rain. Not really a day I relished the idea of going outside, if I’m honest.

Usually, I’m not that bothered as I have loads of waterproofs, given that I have to cajole 4 recalcitrant equines in from the field on occasion (plus I always spill water out of the buckets and into my wellies, so a good pair of over-trousers is essential!). However, somehow once they’d been let out and the stables duties done, I had no real desire to voluntarily go back outside until absolutely necessary.

There was the option of going back to bed but my other half was fast asleep and it wasn’t worth the impending grouchiness if I woke him. So I put on a pot of Special Sunday Proper Coffee, cleared out and lit the log burner and set about clearing some of my yarn stash by finishing off a long-promised project of a sofa blanket FOR MYSELF*.

While I was hooking away  – is that a thing? – I remembered posting this back in September:

It made me reflect on whether what I was attempting was truly “hygge” or just a hybridised English version, bearing very little on its true meaning.


A calm comfortable time with people you love

Bit difficult, 2 were in bed and one was staying at a friend’s, so while I wasn’t surrounded by the “people I love”, some were in the house, so I guess it was nearly there.


A complete absence of frustration or anything emotionally overwhelming

Yep, this was a bit harder. So, I have a confession: I find it really difficult to switch off, especially if I’ve got a new project on the table. And boy do I have a “new project” on the table… But that’s all classified for now.

I can only liken it to my Jack Russell with a squeaky toy: he won’t rest until it no longer squeaks. It doesn’t need to be ripped to shreds – though occasionally it is necessary, apparently – but the non-squeakiness is an absolute must and to be achieved at the earliest possibility.

So I felt guilty.

  • Guilty for not sharing my pot of coffee.
  • Guilty for hogging the remote control.
  • Guilty for not emptying the dishwasher (m’kay… notsomuch!).
  • Guilty for claiming the Big Sofa (I am smaller, therefore the Small Sofa is my allotted area).

Work in progress but getting there.


Often enjoyed with good food and drinks…

I had a bowl of porridge with chia seeds and honey, and my coffee (black & not too strong).


…warm blankets…

Was making a never ending granny square out of an abundance of chunky yarn! So yep, in progress!


…and candlelight.

If the log burner counts, then yes there was!

All in all, I think it was a pretty successful first attempt and most definitely needs further practice. 


Would there be anything I’d do differently? A tough question. As someone who needs solitude to recharge, I’m not sure I’d share my Hygge Time but I might make a space for a short meditation at the beginning, just to help my mind clear the work junk out, even if for a hour or so.

How would you “hygge”?

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Published On: 8 February 2022Categories: Random musings561 wordsViews: 422

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